Tag Archive young

The Young Entrepreneur

2017-11-30 Comments Off on The Young Entrepreneur By tropickevin

We’ve all seen it; the young well-to-do checking out their over-sized smartphone with their over-sized shiny expensive watch flashing on their wrist. I used to envy this kind of person, until recently. I’m now in my early thirties and I’ve worked in many different odd jobs in my twenties in order to pay the bills. And with various kinds of work I’ve meet all sorts of people, most of whom have helped give me more insight into humans and our nature.

The wealthy young entrepreneur is prone to over-compensating, i.e. always dressed up even for a casual beer, always looking to pull out their brand new phone, and blabber on about how they are making 80k+ doing whatever they do, and how they have to fly out the next day. Now that I’m older I see it’s a facade, it’s a mask, and I pity them now. True, I do find it admirable they are working hard and earning really good money, but that’s about it.

I used to feel I had to compete with them in terms of style. How much of my paycheck did I have to wear on the exterior to feel some semblance of equality with them? Now I’m content to earn enough to get by, pay off debts, and save some up. I don’t care about a rat race, I care about the human race, and how I can benefit them.

I’m not trying to lump all wealthy people, or young people into the same boat here. I’m also not trying to make sweeping assumptions about people, but a lot of humans are prone to the same temptations and pratfalls, and thus, I write this!

If your a young entrepreneur reading this please realize that you are not alone, and stop trying so hard to compete with other entrepreneurs. Enjoy your youth, not in frivolity, but understanding that you have the rest of your life to “get serious” with business. Just don’t forget to keep humble, respect your elders, and learn from them (and teach them when applicable ;P). And know that even if your classmates from high school or college most likely aren’t making what you’re making or have a mid to high-level position in a corporation doesn’t mean they’ve done something wrong. You need to realize all people have value, and to find that value in them, grow it, and utilized it. You’re an entrepreneur after all.

sunset behind trees

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